After tons of research and very high expectations, I ordered a Keystone. The bike came very well packaged and set up perfectly and assembly was very easy. So far, the bike has exceeded my expectations especially on single track. I ordered mine with Mulefut 27.5” x 65 mm wheels and 4.3 Yippee Ki Yay tires. The set up rolls over everything and really sticks to the ground no matter what the trail throws at it. They are a great all around tire.
The fork set up for me was very quick and easy and performance is great matching the rest of the bike.
Electronic shifting is buttery smooth and very sweet.
Shimano EP8 is very seamless, yet makes me feel like Superman when needed. The bike climbs steep and loose hills like nothing. I can’t recommend the bike enough. My only recommended change would be to the handlebar grips. I couldn’t wrap my fingers around them and my hands slipped, I replaced with round.
Overall, I am thrilled with this purchase and ride it as much as possible. I am an older rider(63) getting back into mountain biking and loving this bike! Thank you Steve and Borealis Crew!