If you aren't sure which generation driver you need, here are some guidelines to help:
1st Gen: Typically came on our first model, the Yampa. Drive color is raw aluminum with three pawls.
2nd Gen (NO LONGER AVAILABLE): – Typically found on models produced 2014 to mid 2016. Colors are red, black or blue. Three Pawls without any engagement steps.
3rd Gen: Typically found on models produced 2016 to early 2018. Color will always be black. Three Pawls with six engagement steps on each pawl.
4th Gen: -Typically found on models produced early 2018 to Present. Color will always be black. Four OR Six Pawls without any steps on the pawls.
If you still aren't sure which driver you need, feel free to reach out to call us at 320-328-2453 or email us for assistance.

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Perfect replacement part and lighting fast shipping. Thanks!